Tonite's dinner is Cholent. It is a Jewish stew. The recipe comes from Veganomicon. I made this dish once before when I first received Veganomicon and we loved it. I like all the vegetables, beans, TVP chunks and the smoothness of the broth. This is a perfect meal for a rainy day. By the way, I had the brilliant (sarcastically speaking) idea to triple the recipe thinking that if I doubled it there would not be enough. Holy cow! Tripling the recipe made enough to feed an army. There is our dinner tonite as well as leftovers for lunch. Plus two containers in our deep freeze. Tripling this recipe is not necessary. I served it along with a side of bread. I used the "Outrageously Big Bread" recipe from vegweb. I also made some chocolate zucchini bread as a treat. The recipe is from vegweb as well. Enjoy. The cost of the meal plus both breads was $25. Still cheaper than dining out or purchasing bread at a bakery.
Thanks to Alison for subbing in this week while Karen is on holiday. The lentil curry dish with rice was delicious. I "heart" curry. I was very happy to have leftovers for lunch today.
Claire's swiss chard dinner pie was terrific as was the fried pineapple quinoa. I had to fight Josh and the boys for the quinoa. Our little bear Adam ate a slice of the dinner pie. Such goodness.
Hope everyone has a lovely day.
peas and love....
Krys and the boys
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