Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Winter garden special

My winter garden is winding down, so I've been harvesting here & there and trying to find ways to work the extra produce into our meals. Tonight I served an Italian-flavored rice & cabbage dish with beet & greens gratin. The cabbage & beets were from the garden. Since I only planted chiogga beets this year(and supplemented with a bunch of golden beets from Wheatsville,) the gratin wasn't the neon magenta I'm used to. I liked how you could see the cubes of beet mixed in with the ribbons of greens. It probably needed a bit more salt.

I also sent along the extra Cowboy Cookies I made this morning for the mailman (he gave us some of his extra bird netting after we chatted about strawberry-filching pests earlier this week.) This recipe is from Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar. While some of the recipes seem to be hit or miss, these oatmeal cookies with coconut, pecans, and chocolate chips are always a winner.
This meal cost about $20, including the cookies.


  1. I loved this meal. Loved it. Can I have the beet recipe? Is it in a cookbook I already have? I also loved the cabbage. And yes, those cookies are the bomb. Erin ate two - thank you for getting oatmeal into my two year old.

    Rory loved the beets!

  2. The meal was great. I especially liked the cabbage and rice. Arthur ate some of it to. Which is a shocker. Adam loved the whole meal. Yay for meals fresh from the garden.

  3. Sunni, I've had the beet recipe on my computer forever. I must have pulled it off the internet somewhere and veganized it. I'll just email it on.

    I'm glad y'all liked it! Cabbage & beets are much-maligned, but very tasty! :)

  4. Yes, please email the recipe. I ate this meal three times - 2 dinners and 1 lunch - bc David was working late most nights this week and having dinners at the office which left more for me. Rory ate it twice.
